
Yoga Dogs

This is great. Dogs doing yoga. I think dogs have always known how to do yoga. Think about it. Dogs stretch, shake, stretch, shake and stretch. My labrador lays completely stretched out with her back legs "froggy" style and looks incredibly comfortable. I'm impressed she can actually do that position and still walk afterward. I'm not sure my "mature" body could handle that quite yet.

Yoga has so many benefits it's difficult to list them all. I started doing some serious stretching several months ago and I feel much better. My muscles are looser, I sleep better and when I do strenuous work (like in the yard) I'm not as sore as I used to be.

This latest trend called "Doga" is on the rise. You and your canine can join a class in New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Jacksonville, Florida, Canada and Japan. Another way to pamper our poochers and say "thanks for being my best friend." Click here to sniff out 1 story or here for a 2nd "Doga" story.
