
8-Year Old Girl Already A Canine Advocate

If a child can do it, anyone can do it. This story is a clear demonstration that love conquers all obstacles. If we love, we find a way. If we love, we see the way. If we love, we make the way.

When my dog was diagnosed with cancer, I found the money to pay for the surgery. I ate popcorn, chips and salsa, lots of hamburger, lettuce and cut out the Starbucks for 3 months to save her. I would do it all again to care for my shiny black dog. She shows me daily what it means to be in the moment and not caught up in yesterday or tomorrow. Right now is what matters because it's really all we've got.

Read this inspiring story how a young girl who loves this dog so much, she raised money for the precious poocher's needed operation. Fetch the whole story here.
