
Fireman Held Accountable

This is David Santuomo. You may not know the face, but you might have heard about the Fireman who killed 2 dogs and then dumped them like yesterdays ash from a fire he just put out.

He was fired. He's going to jail for 90 days and has to pay a fine of $4,650. Evidently David has a history of unconscious and grossly inappropriate behavior. He has not only disgraced his fire station, the Fireman's Oath but himself. Was it worth it David?

This is tragic. Not only for the dogs he killed, but for our planet as a whole. We truly need to reprogram ourselves and end this type of violence. The only place to start is with you.

What will it take for you to begin? How much more violence and atrocity must you know about, see or maybe experience first hand before you stand up and say, "No more"? When will you start?

If you want more on the story, click here.

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Dog Tips for Summer Safety

We're fully into Summer and your furry family member depends on you to take care of them. I've already posted 12 Rules of Hot Weather Dog Safety so you're an expert. If you're not sure about the "rules" check them out. Here are a few more tips to keep your dog healthy, happy and oh so cool.

Mosquitos not only bite humans but they bite your dog. Some mosquitos carry heartworm disease. This is a killer and so easily preventable. If you live in Alaska then no worries, but nearly every one of the Lower 48 states has heartworm carrying mosquitos. The warmer and moister the climate, the more likely these blood sucking bugs will bite and possibly hurt your furry baby. Talk with your Veterinarian about a heartworm test (around $15) and what can be done to prevent this killer.

Fleas and ticks love warm weather. They thrive just like the weeds in your garden. Fleas are blood sucking vampires that carry parasites like worms and can make your dog very sick. This is in conjunction with the misery caused by constant itching. Fleas bite people too. Any warm blooded animal is food for a flea.

Ticks are bad news all around. Ever heard of Lyme's disease? Rocky Mountain spotted fever? Ticks are the carriers. They dig into you or your dog with their corkscrew tongue and get fat. Meanwhile they transfer all the parasites and diseases they have to their host which is you or your dog.

Prevent fleas and ticks with a proven product. Buying something off the shelf at a discount store probably won't work and may harm your dog. There are also many ways to naturally ward off fleas and ticks. Talk with your Veterinarian about the options. I use Advantix. It takes care of fleas, ticks, and mosquitos. If you decide to purchase this type of item, be sure it's the right one. Dosage is based on weight.

During the summer there are all kinds of bugs buzzing. From bees to hornets and flies. They're around all day and sometimes your dog will eat them just because they can. The only problem is eating a bee or hornet is going to cause a problem. Just like a human, when a bee or hornet stinger goes in, poison is released and swelling occurs. My dog ate a bee last summer and was so swollen he could hardly open his little eyes.

If this happens, you'll know by looking at them. Get them to a Vet pronto. Swelling can cause breathing problems and your dog could die. It's typically a simple shot of prednisone and you're done. About $20. Don't just give your dog a Benadryl. Call your Veterinarian or Animal Emergency Center and follow their advice.

Our dogs depend on us to take care of them. Give them Love, a bath, a clean cool place to sleep, keep the bugs off of them and you'll never have a regret. Dogs are often our best friends. How far will you go for your most loyal companion?

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