
Dogs and Soldiers Help Each Other

Once again our canine pals are helping us and we're giving them a whole new lease on life. A new VA program is adopting shelter dogs and training them to assist our wounded soldiers coming home from Iraq.

Some soldiers need help with the laundry, taking off their socks, getting out of bed or just some unconditional love. It's been shown time and time again how our canine companions help us with stress (petting a dog lowers blood pressure), protect us from would be attackers and lead us down the street when we can't see. My hat is off, once again, to our beloved dogs.

It costs about $23,000 to train a service dog, but if they can help a wounded soldier heal from their battle scars, this is simply a drop in the bucket. What would you pay to help someone you love get back to themselves?

Too many of our soldiers are arriving back in the States disabled physically and psychologically. I've personally experienced what battle stress does to someone. They become a different person. A shell of what they were once upon a time. Even if you don't believe in or support the war, believe in the soldiers who have been in the desert that's laden with fleas, has giant sci-fi type sand spiders and people who live to kill you.

If you would like to donate $1, $5 or $100, visit Freedom Service Dogs. You can also visit this MSNBC site for more information. Everything makes a difference.

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Dog Safety on America's July 4th Celebration

Coming up next weekend is America's Independence day celebration. They'll be parades, bar-b-ques, beers, kids, dogs and fireworks ranging from sparklers to bottle rockets. Lots of laughter, food and fun. Lots of noise and your dog hears it all.

Some dogs don't mind the noise while others get buggy eyed, hide under the bed, run away, cry, jump through sliding glass doors, loose bladder control and generally freak out. These sound sensitive dogs need extra care for the upcoming super noisy 3-day holiday.

You know your pooch. You know if they'll go bananas with all the noise. If you suspect a doggie panic attack coming on, talk with your Veterinarian about mild sedatives or an anti-anxiety for the weekend.

If you just got your dog or have a puppy, please don't leave them all alone when the fireworks begin to fly. Your dog will need reassurance that it's all going to be o.k. Be careful not to reinforce panic attacks by lathering on to much attention. Just act normally like the bombs bursting in air is an everyday thing and nothing to be concerned about.

There's also the doggie music alternative. It's been shown to calm even the most anxious of dogs and may be the best few bucks you've ever spent to keep "Fido" from loosing it. For about $15 you can calm your canine. Interested? Then fetch it here!

Whatever you decide to do with your furry family member, keep them safe, make sure they have plenty of cool, clean water and love them. The rewards are endless.

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Dogs are My Heros

This pooch is having a great day. I wish I could still jump like that with pure joy and excitement. Well...I am generally excited about most things and I could jump like that, but then Advil would once again be my new best friend.

Dogs don't care about sore muscles. Everything they do seems to be their absolute favorite. If it's running through a field of flowers, chewing on the new pressed rawhide, getting a drink or taking a nap, they're there. Present with whatever they're doing. The epitome of "in the moment" or "in the now."

I'm relearning how to be "in the now." It's taking a lot of practice and dedication because for so long I've either been in the past or in the future. Stuck on what happened last night, last year or when I was 5. Looking at tomorrow, next week or 5 years from now. Anywhere other than right here, right now, in the moment. What am I avoiding is what I've been asking my self a lot lately.

The slight glimpses I've had over the past while of being in the now are great. Really awesome in fact. I hear everything. Smell everything. See everything. Feel clear and light. It's almost as if time slows for that moment. Very cool. I work at it every day. I also watch my dog zenning into her zone and take a lesson. Thank you beautiful canines.

I've had a few heros in my life. My daughter, my friends, a customer one time when I was a server. But my real heros are dogs. Being "in the now" is only 1 small lesson I'm learning from them. I'm paying attention and enjoying every moment by working at being in the present, in the now. Dogs may drool, but I think they rule.

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Dog Disease On The Rise

A vaccine can protect you and your furry family member from a sickness that's being seen more these days. Leptospirosis is zoonotic which means humans can get it from their dogs. This is no bueno. Pass this on to all your dog friends and their humans. Even though Kansas and the midwest may be far away from where you live, disease travels fast; just like bad news.
Lepto video here

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When there's a will, there's a way

This is really awesome. You'll love it.

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Dogs Learn What They Live

Look at these adorable puppies. They're the picture of innocence and play. Just give them some love, food, a bath now & then and some good training and they'll be your BFF.

Now if you hurt them, neglect them, beat them, starve them, yell at them, chain them and are generally mean to them, they'll turn into dogs that attack people and other animals. These dogs often have to be euthanized or shot to be stopped.

It's the same with humans it seems. If you're positive, loving, caring, nurturing and tell your child they can be, do or have anything they want, chances are they will be incredibly successful in this life.

On the flip side of that if you demean, tease, yell, hit and tell your child they're a loser, flaky, not that smart, an idiot, life is hard, you can't have that, no you can't have that either, yadda, yadda, then they will be exactly what you told them they would be.

Now people aren't euthanized, but a lot of them are shot down like dogs or are the ones doing the shooting, beating, berating, torturing and more. I'm convinced not one person committing acts of violence ever had someone tell them they're smart, beautiful, capable and can have whatever they want.

I know from experience that a dog who has been neglected and scared by a human can be turned into a loving, fun and happy canine. It takes time, consistency and a universe of dedication. It's possible. I've done it.

Let's change the focus. Change the experience. Change the circumstance. Change is as certain as your body will not last forever. You get 100 years in it if you're lucky. That's really not that long when you think about what it takes to grow a giant Sequoia or the Grand Canyon.

Everything is changing all the time. Embrace it. Allow it and you too can have the heart of a puppy who gives and receives endless love only wanting a big juicy bone to chew on.

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