
Animal Behaviorists in Croatia

Los Angeles has their "Dog Whisperer" and so does an eastern block country. These folks are animal behaviorists, psychologists, whisperers, trainers, or whatever you want to call them. The bottom line is they take problem or hypersensitive reactive behaviors, which are typically human created, and modify them. It's usually classic conditioning type re-training.

Animals, just like people, respond to their environment. If they're allowed to get away with bad behavior it will continue and usually gets worse until reconditioning occurs. If the animal has been abused in some way, they're hypersensitive and need to be reconditioned too. Not too different from humans. Actually, not at all different than humans.

Dedicated people, such as these Croatians, are a shining star in the animal world. For the past 7 years these folks have worked tirelessly to help animals. They are only now beginning to turn a profit. Imagine how many animals they've helped in the past 84 months. If it's only 2 every month, thats 168 animals who are happier than they were before thus making Earth a better place. I think a philanthropist should donate 50 acres and $1 million to create a "Whisper Mountain" animal behavior modification ranch. Imagine how many animals we could help if only.....Sniff out the whole video & story here
