
Yoga Dogs

This is great. Dogs doing yoga. I think dogs have always known how to do yoga. Think about it. Dogs stretch, shake, stretch, shake and stretch. My labrador lays completely stretched out with her back legs "froggy" style and looks incredibly comfortable. I'm impressed she can actually do that position and still walk afterward. I'm not sure my "mature" body could handle that quite yet.

Yoga has so many benefits it's difficult to list them all. I started doing some serious stretching several months ago and I feel much better. My muscles are looser, I sleep better and when I do strenuous work (like in the yard) I'm not as sore as I used to be.

This latest trend called "Doga" is on the rise. You and your canine can join a class in New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Jacksonville, Florida, Canada and Japan. Another way to pamper our poochers and say "thanks for being my best friend." Click here to sniff out 1 story or here for a 2nd "Doga" story.


Dog Rescues Baby Kangaroo

Once again a dog saves a life. Living in Australia, "Rex" and his human were out on a walk and came across a dead kangaroo. Later in the day, "Rex" retrieved the still alive baby roo from the deceased mother's pouch and brought it to his human. Nice work "Rex".

Dogs continually amaze me. Not only do they save human lives, but the lives of other living creatures. These animals are a tribute to pure benevolence. How could anyone ever hurt such a creature that serves us to the point of death sometimes?

A medal of loyalty, a memorial or an official dog day would be something us humans could do in order to honor the dog; our oldest friend. To read this short but moving story about "Rex" fetch it here



Animal Behaviorists in Croatia

Los Angeles has their "Dog Whisperer" and so does an eastern block country. These folks are animal behaviorists, psychologists, whisperers, trainers, or whatever you want to call them. The bottom line is they take problem or hypersensitive reactive behaviors, which are typically human created, and modify them. It's usually classic conditioning type re-training.

Animals, just like people, respond to their environment. If they're allowed to get away with bad behavior it will continue and usually gets worse until reconditioning occurs. If the animal has been abused in some way, they're hypersensitive and need to be reconditioned too. Not too different from humans. Actually, not at all different than humans.

Dedicated people, such as these Croatians, are a shining star in the animal world. For the past 7 years these folks have worked tirelessly to help animals. They are only now beginning to turn a profit. Imagine how many animals they've helped in the past 84 months. If it's only 2 every month, thats 168 animals who are happier than they were before thus making Earth a better place. I think a philanthropist should donate 50 acres and $1 million to create a "Whisper Mountain" animal behavior modification ranch. Imagine how many animals we could help if only.....Sniff out the whole video & story here



Leaping Aussie

This is "Max", our leaping Aussie. He's my brother's dog and does this leaping thing every day whenever he's outside and we're coming to let him inside. I find it fairly impressive. Look at him. He's at least 2 feet off the ground and looking very athletic. He does this so much that his back end is getting really muscular and it's nearly out of proportion to the rest of his body.

I think we should put him in the doggie olympics for the high jump or train him to be a "Frisbee" dog. I used to be able to jump like this from a standstill. Of course I was 12 and could bounce around like a pogo stick. I don't bounce anymore. I tell myself that I'm far too mature to bounce around and besides bouncing is for dryer sheets, children and dogs.

I do enjoy watching Max leap. His enthusiasm, strength and sheer determination is an example to us all. Thank you for reminding the so called "mature" people that tenacity is a virtue. Go Max!



California Dog To Be Cloned

For a mere $150,000 you too can clone your dog. Wow! What will we humans come up with next? You can have a "Fido I", "Fido II" and probably even "Fido III." But is it really "Fido"?

Do memories, personality, health issues, training, etc., get passed from the original "Fido" to all the clones? If so, we could just keep cloning "Fido" and never have to train another dog. If not, why are we doing this?

It seems we're attempting to cheat death and bring back to flesh those we love. The problem with this is it goes against nature. Once a body dies, it's dead right? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and all that stuff. I guess not.

It's not politically correct, humane or whatever to clone humans but canines is o.k. I suppose humans think since we're at the top of the food chain, wise, and scientifically advanced, it makes this alright. Science is neither bad nor good in and of itself. It's how we use it that makes this determination.

What exactly is the point of cloning your long lost dog? Is it "cause we can"? Maybe the question to ask is not "can we" but "should we". Fetch the whole cloning story here



8-Year Old Girl Already A Canine Advocate

If a child can do it, anyone can do it. This story is a clear demonstration that love conquers all obstacles. If we love, we find a way. If we love, we see the way. If we love, we make the way.

When my dog was diagnosed with cancer, I found the money to pay for the surgery. I ate popcorn, chips and salsa, lots of hamburger, lettuce and cut out the Starbucks for 3 months to save her. I would do it all again to care for my shiny black dog. She shows me daily what it means to be in the moment and not caught up in yesterday or tomorrow. Right now is what matters because it's really all we've got.

Read this inspiring story how a young girl who loves this dog so much, she raised money for the precious poocher's needed operation. Fetch the whole story here.



Dogs Get Help With Orthotics

I love seeing stories like this one. Dogs are such an integral part of human society that we're willing to go beyond the boundaries to give them a better quality of life. I say, "excellent" and "it's time we gave something good back" to dogs who have been by our side for centuries.

This video shows how dogs who would otherwise be euthanized are getting orthotics and a second chance. This creative specialist will custom fit your pooch who's had an injury to toes, paws, legs and/or tendons. Click the title and fetch the video.
