
Dogs Learn What They Live

Look at these adorable puppies. They're the picture of innocence and play. Just give them some love, food, a bath now & then and some good training and they'll be your BFF.

Now if you hurt them, neglect them, beat them, starve them, yell at them, chain them and are generally mean to them, they'll turn into dogs that attack people and other animals. These dogs often have to be euthanized or shot to be stopped.

It's the same with humans it seems. If you're positive, loving, caring, nurturing and tell your child they can be, do or have anything they want, chances are they will be incredibly successful in this life.

On the flip side of that if you demean, tease, yell, hit and tell your child they're a loser, flaky, not that smart, an idiot, life is hard, you can't have that, no you can't have that either, yadda, yadda, then they will be exactly what you told them they would be.

Now people aren't euthanized, but a lot of them are shot down like dogs or are the ones doing the shooting, beating, berating, torturing and more. I'm convinced not one person committing acts of violence ever had someone tell them they're smart, beautiful, capable and can have whatever they want.

I know from experience that a dog who has been neglected and scared by a human can be turned into a loving, fun and happy canine. It takes time, consistency and a universe of dedication. It's possible. I've done it.

Let's change the focus. Change the experience. Change the circumstance. Change is as certain as your body will not last forever. You get 100 years in it if you're lucky. That's really not that long when you think about what it takes to grow a giant Sequoia or the Grand Canyon.

Everything is changing all the time. Embrace it. Allow it and you too can have the heart of a puppy who gives and receives endless love only wanting a big juicy bone to chew on.

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