
12 Rules of Hot Weather Dog Safety

Spring and Summer bring longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures. Some places are real comfortable at 70 Degrees F with little or no humidity and other places are sizzling with so much heat you see it rising from the asphalt. Regardless of where you live and what the temperature will be, here are some tips to keep your dog safe.

1. Don't leave your dog in the car unless you plan to leave the air conditioner running.

2. Don't let your dog run in the middle of the day. Let your dog go for it in the early morning or at night when it's cooler.

3. Do you live in a highly humid climate? Your heat index is much different than desert heat. Take extra caution with your dog in humidity.

4. Is your dog black or dark brown? If so, they will get hot faster (black absorbs heat where white repels it).

5. Be especially careful with short snouted dogs like Pugs, Bulldogs, Mastiffs and Shih Tzu's. These breeds overheat much faster and are highly susceptible to dog heat stroke.

6. Provide shade for your dog. Buy a tarp and put it up if necessary. It's a lot cheaper than a vet bill.

7. Always have fresh, clean water available for your dog. Dogs need hydration. Have a large plastic dish (metal gets hot) & leave your garden hose slightly running into the dish. A vet bill can be much higher than a water bill.

8. No, an ice cold beer is not the answer on a hot summer day!! Give your dog lots of cold, clean water. Put some ice cubes in it to really make it chilly.

9. Please don't tether your dog outside when it's hot. Dogs easily get the tether wrapped around various objects and end up in the sun. This is a recipe for dog heat stroke.

10. Remember your dog doesn't wear shoes and asphalt, concrete, etc. and these surfaces get very hot in the summer sun. Burnt puppy pads are very painful and can become a serious issue quickly. Imagine walking barefoot on asphalt in the summer. Walk your dog when it's cooler outside and preferably in shaded areas.

11. When you're out & about with your dog, don’t let your dog drink from stagnant water sources. These often have bacteria & mold that will make your dog very sick. Carry some water with you and a plastic cup or a small bowl.

12. Never, ever leave your dog unsupervised around a swimming pool. They can easily drown. If you have a pool, train your dog where the stairs are so they know how to get out. Just like children, keep a constant eye on your dog when they're in the pool area.

Immediately call your veterinarian or animal emergency center if any of the following occur:

*Rapid breathing with an increased heart rate.

*Your dog has discolored gums--Dogs with heat stroke have dull gray or pink gums instead of the normal red-pink color.

*Your dog is disoriented--they are unaware of their environment.

*Your dog isn't listening or obeying commands, seems lost or scared.

*Your dog has a wild or panicked expression.

If you suspect your dog may have heat stroke, first call your veterinarian or animal emergency center and then, to help bring your dogs temperature down,

*Gently place a cool wash cloth on the unhaired belly area. Keep rinsing the cloth with fresh cool water and applying until your dog is calmer (this should only take about 5 minutes).

*This is not a substitute for getting your dog to the veterinarian or animal emergency center. Get them checked out. It could save their life.

If you have any doubt about your dog’s health or safety, listen to that, trust yourself and act accordingly. Believe me, watching a dog succumb due to heat exhaustion or stroke is heart breaking. They refuse water, and food, are lethargic, breath rapidly, can't get up, are disoriented, vomit, have uncontrollable diarrhea, and slowly die.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, talk with your veterinarian or veterinary technician.

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