
Dogs & At Risk Youth Heal Together

Here's yet another story of how dogs make us better human beings. Some brilliant folks put together shelter dogs with an At Risk young person. The human and the dog have met once a week over the last few months for training with an expert and the results are for the books. "Pawsitive Connection", located in Denver, CO, is the first of it's kind in the area and just may become a legend in healing.

The canines and the human are connecting in ways that are simply amazing. One example is "Sarah" the human who connected with "Molly" the canine. Not so surprising that they're now close pals. Both used to run away a lot. They found the common ground and built on it. Then there's "Rosie", the human, and "Pisa", the canine. These two share the bond of being abandoned and are licking each others wounds. "Pisa" has done so well with training that she's now moved up to the next level to possibly become a service dog.

We can heal ourselves. Everything we need for it is already here. We only need to open our wounded eyes and not just look, but see beyond the surface and believe anything is possible. To sniff out the entire story, Click here?

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