
Dog Donuts, Cakes and More!

Look at all these tasty treats. Yummy! The only difference between these desserts and your local bakery is they are made primarily for dogs. With no sugar or salt added, your pooch can have a birthday cake and invite their friends.

"Doodle Dog Bakery" just opened their doors this month and business is booming. These creative folks also cater to the allergy prone dog with wheat free products just for them. Since dogs are becoming more of a family member than a pet, those with disposable incomes often stop by and pick up some ice cream for their furry baby. The dogs lap it up.

I make a special summer treat for my dogs of yogurt, apple sauce, strawberries and some secret ingredients, freeze it and I'm quite the hero. This is much better than sharing my popsicle with them. Click here for the whole story.
