
Canine Cancer Update

It's been well over a year since my labrador princess had surgery and was diagnosed with malignant adeno-thyroid cancer. At her last Vet appointment we decided to have the laboratory do another biopsy of the tissue sample that was sent after the surgery just in case there had been an error in the test.

This second test came back malignant also. The Vet wanted to know what kind of therapy (chemo, etc.) Ayla had been receiving. None, I told him. He was stunned. According to all the statistics, no dog has lived beyond 3 years with aggressive therapies let alone without any. The typical life expectancy without any therapies is 3-6 months. Again he asked me what I had been doing.

The only thing I could think of that changed was once she recovered from surgery, we went to the beach every week. We always arrived before dawn to greet the sun and Ayla ate seaweed, sand and all, every week for 6 months. I'm guessing the amount was about 8 ounces a week totaling approximately 200 ounces of seaweed. I've heard of the medicinal qualities of seaweed and maybe this was part of the equation of her full recovery. Maybe it wasn't. The Vet wasn't moved by the seaweed story.

All I know is my Ayla is completely cancer free. Her Vet took x-rays and found nothing suspicious or alarming. No spots. No sign of cancer anywhere. This is yet another surprise. During the surgery a piece of the malignant tumor was left behind because it was wrapped around her esophagus and couldn't be removed without severe danger and consequences. All of her blood work is also perfect.

Is this a seaweed, sand and salt miracle? Does she have magic blood that took care of the invader? Does is matter which is was that cured her? I think it could be that when I was told she had cancer and only a few months to live I decided she couldn't leave the blue planet yet (this was after I stopped crying). We still had lots of fun and more adventures to experience. Not to mention, I love her beyond verbal description. She is my daughter. My shiney, silky, furry black dog with frosting.

So she and I came to an agreement. My part was to focus and hold the thought that she is perfect. She is healthy. She has a long and beautiful life. Ayla's part was to get herself balanced and take it easy (along with the weekly seaweed feasts). The rest is, as they say, history. There are no words to describe my joy that she decided to stick around. Thank you Ayla. You make my experience fuller and happier. You've made me a better person.

Maybe holding a positive thought, seeing only perfection and health and having unwavering faith is a key to something. Maybe my absolute refusal to believe she was leaving us changed it. Maybe my willingness to find a way to better communicate with her really mattered. Maybe it's the combination of everything that changes lives, creates worlds and makes us all bigger beings.

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