
Dogs and 4th of July Celebration

Coming up tomorrow is America's Independence day celebration. They'll be parades, bar-b-ques, beers, kids, dogs and fireworks ranging from sparklers to bottle rockets. Lots of laughter, food and fun increasing the regular sound decibels in the neighborhood.

Some dogs don't mind the noise while others get buggy eyed, hide under the bed, run away, cry, jump through sliding glass doors, loose bladder control and generally freak out. These sound sensitive dogs need extra care for the upcoming super noisy 3-day holiday.

You know your pooch. You know if they'll go bananas with all the noise. If you suspect a doggie panic attack coming on, talk with your Veterinarian about mild sedatives or an anti-anxiety for the weekend.

If you just got your dog or have a puppy, please don't leave them all alone when the fireworks begin to fly. Your dog will need reassurance that it's all going to be o.k. Be careful not to reinforce panic attacks by lathering on to much attention. Just act normally like the bombs bursting in air is an everyday thing and nothing to be concerned about.

There's also the doggie music alternative. It's been shown to calm even the most anxious of dogs and may be the best few bucks you've ever spent to keep "Fido" from loosing it. For about $15 you can calm your canine. Interested? Then fetch it here!

Whatever you decide to do with your furry family member, keep them safe, make sure they have plenty of cool, clean water and love them. The rewards are endless.

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